Here is another handbag I made along with the other one. With this material, not having too much of it I though I should make a smaller handbag which I will use when not having to carry a lot of stuff with me. Sometime all I need to have with me is my wallet and change purse and a couple more things. It is ideal for that.
Dear Mom, It is delighful your little handbag, Do I recognize the material, is it one that you bought along with the red in Quebec? It is always handy and fun to have different size handags, especially today with the need to have less plastic bags. Nice work once again! Hugs XX Love Theresa
I have always had a love of the computer and had a desire to have a blog. With the help of my daughter, that has now become a reality.
I am french by birth, and taught myself English at a young age - please forgive my sometimes incorrect grammar.
I am a mother of four children, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
I like to create all kinds of different things and am constantly working on something. I do everything from needlepoint, embroider, and cross stitch, to painting, drawing and writing.
I love to learn and enjoy the challenge of learning a new craft or task on the computer.
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
There have been so many changes in the last three years that have been
challenging.I've been fighting sadness daily.Truthfully, I'm so ready for a
A long time.....
Hello Bloggers!!! My goodness...It's 2 and a half years since I last did a
blog post. What happened??
I think I got busy with Pinterest and Facebook and I...
NEW Website!
I finally have a website! It's taken a while but it is up and running now.
There is still some work to do to but for now it's a basic one! You will
find mo...
My Alaska Adventures.
I had a few requests to share with you all more about my adventures while I
was living in Alaska. So I went searching for that cowboy boot box full of
Dear Mom,
ReplyDeleteIt is delighful your little handbag, Do I recognize the material, is it one that you bought along with the red in Quebec?
It is always handy and fun to have different size handags, especially today with the need to have less plastic bags.
Nice work once again!
Hugs XX
Love Theresa
Delicious little bag Mum.... and I especially love the little brooch you added to give it even more pizazz! Hugs.