Sunday, January 16, 2011

more books..Journals

Here are a few mores of my books, called journals.

The top one is more for spiritual writing,specially while visiting my sister before she retired in a Personal Care Home a few years ago.


  1. Dear Mom,
    I did not know that you had all these lovely journals. You have many precious writings, thoughts, poems, art creations and sketches hidden behind those covers.
    Bravo for keeping dear moments on paper!
    Love Theresa

  2. Mum... you sure have a lot of journals! If they are all full, then a person would have a lot of lovely reading to discover, or perhaps paintings, or perhaps just doodles... I have to say, I have a few myself that I use to record my design ideas... perhaps one day I should look at them and make all those things I never made yet!!! Hugs.
